Application for Patent Filing

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Invention Disclosure Form

Please provide highly relevant information for details asked below and use consistent language while describing the specific feature or element in the invention disclosure.

Please indicate a title for the invention and technology of the invention
Please describe specifically about the general purpose of invention. Is the invention a new process, device of product, system, software or a combination of these elements?
Highlight the use or improvements from the existing with recent and relevant references – in minimum 100 words
Please identity the advantages e.g. efficiency, cost benefits, simplicity etc.
Please include the relevant references. One per line
Please describe how in detail, also specify the commercial applications, market need of product/ service of invention and why?
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.

Current development status of the invention

Kindly provide the details
Provide the relevant information
including abstracts, posters, news releases, etc.) to emphasize the present invention background

Investor(s) and / or Contributor(s) Details

Format: Name, Address, City and State, Citizenship, Nationality (separated by line breaks)
Format: Name, Address, City and State, Citizenship, Nationality (separated by line breaks)


Assignee is the entity or individual who holds the patent.
Name should have been included in Applicant / Inventor section.